int(16) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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Leveraging Federal Funds to Develop Community Partnerships: A Step by Step Guide

Is your school (or district) feeling overburdened by capacity challenges? Do your students have needs for programming and support you are having trouble being able to offer? This workshop will help you consider the possibilities for engaging with community-based organizations to offer specialized programming and additional support for students. It will present a practical, hands-on guide and show what is possible and how this collaboration can be part of a comprehensive school improvement plan. Participants will learn how to leverage federal funds and use them in partnership with other funding sources to collaborate with community organizations and implement needed programs, with an emphasis on Title I schools. These partnerships can not only help students, they can relieve the burden on staff, thus supporting teacher retention efforts.

This talk was presented at:
2024 National ESEA Conference
February 2024 in Portland, OR
For more information:
Jonas Zuckerman

Jonas Zuckerman has over 30 years of experience in education, at the classroom, district, and state levels. He spent 18 years as a classroom teacher in Oakland, California then moved to Madison, Wisconsin where he held various roles at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), including over 8 years as Director of the Title I and School Support Team, leading the administration of Title I programs and school improvement efforts. Jonas now works as an independent education consultant, and he draws on his experiences at various levels of the system, including as a parent of 2 school-age children. He understands the challenges facing families and helps SEAs, LEAs, Community, and Education organizations to make services and support accessible and meaningful. From his experience, Jonas has learned more about the essential role community-based organizations can play in supporting students, families, and schools. He has worked across the educational landscape, including in urban, suburban, and rural settings to connect community-based organizations with schools for needed programs.