int(18) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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Reimagine Your MTSS Process - Recommit to Student Support!

Our students have overwhelming needs as they return to us this fall, and we need a plan to support every student in a variety of ways. Do you need to reimagine and redesign your RTI/MTSS process? Are you meeting the needs of each of your students - academic, behavior, attendance, SEL, and family? Do you need to combine many teams and meetings to focus on one "whole child?" Our approach is a simple plan uniquely designed for your school, ready to implement this fall. We are back-to-basics as we recommend a fresh look at data and supports we can offer students in all areas. We'll share many successful ideas for MTSS K-12 (yes, even high schools!) One streamlined process can coordinate the work of many! Let's reimagine what a well-designed, all-inclusive MTSS process can do for your school. Let's recommit to supporting the needs of every student!

This talk was presented at:
2022 National ESEA Conference
February 2022 in New Orleans, LA
For more information:,
Carol Clemmons

Carol Clemmons is a lifelong educator leader who is just as enthusiastic about supporting students and schools as when she began her career. Her years in education include high school English teacher, high school administrator, system Director of Instruction, and her favorite role, system RTI Specialist. She has helped schools and systems in several states design effective RTI/MTSS processes with tremendous results for students. As a result, she believes that a reimagined MTSS is exactly what we need to support all students next year.

Dr. Melissa Shields

NBCT Leader - passionate about leading NBCT in Alabama, Student Support Services, Educator Relationships, SEL, Mental Health in schools, Literacy, leads Office of School Improvement state team of specialists and coaches in CSI schools, in-demand Professional Development leader and presenter.

Wendy Arnold

Extensive training and leadership in school counseling, mental health services for students, student support services, school/law enforcement relationships, family engagement, AVID college dream program.