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Understanding and Leveraging the Rural Education Achievement Program

The U.S. Department of Education is excited to share new resources to assist school districts currently implementing school year 2022-2023 Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) grants and/or planning to apply for school year 2023-2024 Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) funding. The presentation will provide participants with program context and resources that will help them more easily complete the application process, utilize funds for allowable activities, and leverage program flexibilities. The presentation will also provide grantee perspectives on utilizing REAP grant funds and resources.

This talk was presented at:
2023 National ESEA Conference
February 2023 in Indianapolis, IN
Leslie Poynter

Leslie Poynter is the Group Leader for the Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education, responsible for oversight and implementation of the Small Rural School Achievement (SRSA) and Rural Low-Income School (RLIS) programs. She brings to this role over ten years of experience at the Department and began her career as a junior high school teacher in Arizona.

Staci Cummins

Staci Cummins is an Education Program Specialist on the Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) team. Staci supports key elements of program implementation, including national data collection, grant award processes and allocation, policy development, and technical assistance for approximately 4,000 small, rural schools and 48 States. Staci started her career in education as an elementary and middle school teacher in South Dakota.

Patrick Carr

Patrick Carr is the Director of the Rural, Insular, and Native Achievement Programs division in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education. In this role he manages several programs that provide financial support and technical assistance to improve the educational outcomes of students, particularly students in rural and geographically isolated areas.
