int(13) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
This video is available as a NAESPA membership benefit or for a limited time as a conference attendee.
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Unleashing Potential: Empowering Educators in Data-Driven Literacy

Are you ready to unlock the power of data and drive student literacy success while fostering a culture of continuous improvement in your school? This workshop offers an opportunity to unlock the power of data and drive student literacy success while fostering a culture of continuous improvement in your school.

•  Gain invaluable insights, powerful strategies, and tools to equip educators with the skills to collect, analyze, and interpret data effectively.
•  Address the critical need to foster a collaborative, data-informed decision-making culture.
•  Acquire essential guidance on accessing and maximizing Title funding for sustainable professional growth in data-driven practices.

Through experiential learning activities, participants deepen their understanding of data's relevance and impact in fostering a data-driven culture within schools.

This talk was presented at:
2024 National ESEA Conference
February 2024 in Portland, OR
For more information:
Kathryn Nichol

Kathryn “Joey” Nichol is the Title II, Part A Consultant for the New Hampshire Department of Education. She supports NH school districts as they strive to improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, paraprofessionals, principals, and other school leaders to improve student academic achievement. Before coming to the NHED, Kathryn spent time as an elementary school teacher and administrator. She is an active member of NAESPA.

Kathleen McCaffery

Kathleen McCaffery is an expert in the field of literacy education who advocates for supporting literacy through evidence-based practices and data-informed decisions. She recognizes the importance of using research-based strategies and data analysis to improve student literacy outcomes. McCaffery emphasizes the need for educators to rely on evidence-based practices, which are proven to be scientifically effective instructional approaches and interventions. These practices are grounded in research and have positively improved literacy skills.