int(18) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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You Can't Teach Me If You Can't Reach Me: Making Connections That Increase Achievement

While pursuing quality instruction, many disregard the science that supports positive teacher-student connections to obtain that goal. Consequently, copious educators are attempting to achieve educational rigor without an adequate understanding of the need for genuine teacher-student relationships and other paramount relational strategies when educating students in their classes. This is particularly detrimental when the achievement gap is widening because of increased at-risk and traumatized students. Neuroscience focuses on the brain and its impact on behavior and cognitive functions. The Neurosequential Model developed by Dr. Bruce Perry and his Sequence of Engagement serves as a guide for educators to understand the importance of reaching students prior to teaching them! Relationship, Relevance, and Rigor is the recommended order. Maslow before Bloom is more than rhetoric.

This talk was presented at:
2023 National ESEA Conference
February 2023 in Indianapolis, IN
For more information:
Lorenza Pharrams

Expert on the topic of at-risk Doctoral Research on Discipline that Supports Students Restorative Practices Facilitator 25 Years as an educator in Title I Schools 16 Years as a principal Director of At-Risk, Attendance, and Alternative Learning Programs