Did you know that there are resources available now for professional development on this website? NAESPA's goal to see all children given the opportunity to receive a high-quality education motivates us to provide exceptional professional development opportunities that are easily accessible and support educators at all levels.
See below for current opportunities:
Video on Demand
Available now, a VOD 2024 subscription gives you access - on your own schedule - to hundreds of high-quality professional videos to motivate and inform you and your staff about the latest topics in ESEA and related programs. The professional development opportunities are limitless. Video On Demand is packed with videos that are guaranteed to inform, inspire, and instruct. Learn more now!
Effective professional development is not a single event, but an ongoing commitment. With that in mind, NAESPA is committed to providing engaging webinar series throughout the year. This year's calendar is stil in the works, so check back later this spring!
ESEA Director Development 2024-25
You are invited to a professional learning series for ESEA State Program Directors. These sessions will build off the “New Director Development Series” series offered from July 2023 to April 2024. The original series was specifically designed for Directors with 0-3 years of experience. These sessions continue the learning, so will be especially helpful to those new ESEA Directors, and will also have value to any ESEA State Directors. You need not have participated in the Year 1 series to join this learning opportunity. This Year 2 Series will focus on hands-on learning and “real world” activities, especially working collaboratively and developing relationships with colleagues.
This series will consist of 10 monthly sessions (8 virtual, 2 in-person) on the following topics:
NAESPA Summer Meeting, Washington, D.C. - July - Overview - The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
August 1 - USDE Regulations and Guidance Documents
September 5 - Allocations – From USDE to SEAs to LEAs to Schools
October 3 - Communications – Internal & External
November 7 - USDE Monitoring of SEAs
December 5 - Subrecipient Monitoring Processes
January 2 - Managing Administration Budgets
National ESEA Conference, Austin, TX - February - Stakeholder Engagement
March 6 - School Accountability Under ESSA
April 3 - Private School Equitable Participation
The virtual sessions will be the first Thursday of each month, from 2:00 - 3:00 Eastern Time.
Each session will include:
- A brief summary of the topic
- A “real world” activity; and
- Facilitated discussion regarding the “real world” activity.
The training will be facilitated by Jonas Zuckerman, a former NAESPA President with more than 8 years of experience as an ESEA State Director.
This program is free for all NAESPA members and $299 for those eligible for membership (anyone working at the SEA level and responsible for federal program management), with the fee going towards yearly membership, if so desired. Register Now!
2025 National ESEA Conference
The National ESEA Conference brings together educators and administrators from across the nation every year to coordinate among federal education programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and other federal programs. Learn more!
NAESPA Membership
The National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators is dedicated to improving and implementing federal education programs so that more children reach their academic potential. Learn more here.
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