Keynote: "Motivation Leads to Innovation - the Audacity to Get Up"Distinguished Schools Celebration
Let us be honest. The turnover rate within education is a serious dilemma which we have yet to solve. A study conducted at UCLA showed only 4% of college freshmen were interested in following the path to become an educator. We know that the profession of teaching is not an easy one. In schools all across the country, creating new and innovative strategies within the classroom is an exciting, but seemingly daunting task. For many reasons, the school climate can become toxic--suffocating the life out of teachers and negatively impacting student performance. In order to shift the school culture, it begins with individual teachers making the decision to change their classroom into an engaging learning environment. Michael Bonner will share how he utilized the power of self-reflection to evaluate his qualities and performance as a teacher--navigating the tumultuous waves of working within a Title I school (100% free and reduced lunch)--to understanding the value of applying creativity.
Distinguished Schools Celebration
The National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators is pleased to honor the schools selected by their respective states for national recognition. Share in the festivities as we recognize these outstanding schools for the academic accomplishments of their students.