Using Data to Proactively Identify and Improve Supports to At-Risk Students
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Participants will be provided (fictitious) data from a longitudinal early warning system and led through a guided small-group activity to analyze the data and develop action plans to provide students with tailored supports. The Hawaii Department of Education’s experience training schools to use these types of data to improve policy, programs, and instruction will be the basis for the workshop. The data will be disaggregated by numerous student subgroups, including race/ethnicity and federal Title program participation, to identify potential systemic inequities and inform the scale and type of responses proposed. The workshop will conclude with an interactive discussion and action planning for each participant to identify how to apply the workshop content and approach once back home.
Download Session Materials
- ESEA student placemat pdf.pdf
- Story of a student information placemat pdf.pdf
- Planning activity template.pdf
- 1 Longitudinal Activity.pdf
- 2 Current Data Activity.pdf
- Using Data to Proactively Identify and Improve Supports to At-Risk Students.pdf
- Activity 1 school longitudinal.docx
- Activity 2 Current Data.docx
- ESEA student placemat.docx
- Story of a student information placemat.docx