Design and Implementation Considerations for the ESSA Resource Allocation Review

Wednesday February 1, 2023
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Virtual Workshop Room 2

Our aim is to make explicit connections between the ESSA inequity provisions, including, a) the state education agency to conduct the resource allocation review process, b) support to local education agencies with schools that qualify for comprehensive improvement to identify and address resource inequities within the district, and c) schools that qualify for additional comprehensive improvement support to identify and address resource inequities within their school. The presentation will focus on designing a process that enables state education agency leaders to build the capacity of district and school leaders to - create connections between identified needs, evidence-based strategies, and resource allocation methods - to address resource inequities and ultimately improve the educational experience of all students. Above all, to ensure the resource allocation review becomes a means of establishing equity-centered decision-making rather than another exercise to be in compliance.

Alicia Bowman

Alicia Bowman is an Improvement Specialist at WestEd. She is part of the WestEd Education Leadership and Systems Design team, the Region 15 Comprehensive Center, and the Regional Education Laboratory Northwest. With almost 30 years working in and in support of K-12 public education, including leadership roles in continuous improvement and assessment and accountability, Alicia has deep experience as a leader, coach, supervisor, and facilitator. Her career has been dedicated to addressing educational inequities through system improvement work. Alicia’s current projects support the development of leadership capacity and systems at the state, county, and district levels. She is a co-author of the WestEd publications, "Getting Better at Getting More Equitable: Opportunities and Barriers for Using Continuous Improvement to Advance Educational Equity," and "Getting Better at Getting More Equitable: Addressing Racial Inequities in Education Using Equity-Driven Continuous Improvement.” Prior to joining WestEd, Alicia was a district administrator, principal supervisor, a principal, and a leadership coach. She is part of the WestEd Education Leadership and Systems Design team, the Region 15 Comprehensive Center, and the Regional Education Laboratory Northwest. Her current projects support the development of leadership capacity and systems at the state, county, and district levels. She is a co-author of the WestEd publications, "Getting Better at Getting More Equitable: Opportunities and Barriers for Using Continuous Improvement to Advance Educational Equity," and "Getting Better at Getting More Equitable: Addressing Racial Inequities in Education Using Equity-Driven Continuous Improvement.” Prior to joining WestEd, Alicia was a district administrator, principal supervisor, a principal, and a leadership coach.

Virtual Workshop
building leaders
equity and excellence