Effective Educational Leadership and the Transformational Power of PD in Puerto Rico

Friday February 3, 2023
1:15 - 2:15 PM
Room 103-106

The main objective of this presentation is to share results, conclusions and recommendations that arise from the implementation and evaluation of a professional development project for school and district leaders. These activities were part of the project: EDUGESPRO: High-impact management practices for public schools in Puerto Rico. Around 350 school leaders from all over the island have been impacted in a continuous and ongoing PD of the following transformation mechanisms: 1. Observation, monitoring and feedback to the teacher 2. Instructional Planning 3. School Culture - High Expectations 4. Strategic direction (planning) 5. Data-driven decision-making culture 6. Talent management and development 7. Administration - Operations 8. Monitoring 9. Work environment 10. Leadership The results obtained and the recommendations that emerge from them, allow affirming a series of practices that have been appropriate to achieve the transformation of school principals in Puerto Rico.

In-Person Lecture
building leaders
professional learning