Lift Up Data Use for Homeless Students with ED Data Express! Federal Data Analysis Training

Friday February 3, 2023
2:15 - 3:45 PM
Room 140-142

This workshop will provide hands-on experience with conducting analyses using McKinney-Vento (Homeless Children and Youth) data published on ED Data Express (EDE). EDE is the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Elementary and Secondary (OESE) website for accessing and exploring high-value state- and district-level education data. Presenters will provide an overview of EDE, and then introduce Exemplar Analysis Briefs, a new EDE feature. These briefs provide customizable how-to guidance on how to access EDE data and analyze a specific data question using Excel. Participants will use the briefs to conduct and analyze data on their state with presenter support. Participants will be encouraged to share data challenges they encounter with their state’s analysis and share potential solutions with one another. Participants will leave the workshop with the knowledge of how to use EDE to answer data questions and potentially learn new Excel tools and functions along the way.


All participants should bring their laptop computers to the session to get the highest value out of this workshop.

In-Person Workshop
building leaders