Blazing a New Path: Measuring and Celebrating Creativity in Student Writing
In a world that is constantly adapting to new technologies and increasing global interconnectedness, creativity is often cited as one of the most essential skills for success. And yet, even as more schools and districts adopt the development of creativity into their missions, educators are still largely on their own to incorporate creative thinking into curricula and achievement benchmarks. How can we create opportunities for students to practice creativity? And, how can we measure creativity so that we know where students are at? At 826, the largest youth writing network in the U.S., we believe that writing and creativity are deeply connected. This session will share the 826 Network’s approach to measuring creativity through student writing. Participants will get a hands-on introduction to our newly-developed Creativity Rubric, which scores student writing across three attributes key to creativity: Originality, Elaboration, and Task Appropriateness.