Connecting the Dots Through An Assets-Based Needs Assessment

Thursday February 8, 2024
12:00 - 1:30 PM

Change is consuming us at breakneck speed. Schools have been pushed to the frontlines of a new teaching/learning environment. Culture changes, mental health challenges, safety concerns, artificial intelligence, and teachers resigning in record numbers have forever altered the fabric of education and the essence of school leadership. How does a leader forge on? This session will focus on the power of an asset-based needs assessment and a re-engineered strategic planning process that will align multiple priorities, incorporate the voices of all stakeholders, and provide continuity and sustainability in the midst of transformational change. Examine how identifying assets and resources within the school, the district, and the community strengthens partnerships and engagement. Instead of operating from a deficit mindset - through root causes and problems - re-engineer your strategic plan. Eliminate those root causes and problems through the power of assets and opportunities.

In-Person Promo Workshop
building leaders
, academic standards assessment