Foster Care Policy to Practice: Building Bridges for Educational Stability and Success

Thursday February 8, 2024
9:30 - 11:00 AM

Join us for an engaging session that combines learning, active participation, and collaborative discussion as we navigate the complexities of supporting students in foster care. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of federal education requirements and engage in a mock Best Interest Determination meeting. This interactive exercise will challenge your decision-making skills as you grapple with real-world scenarios, applying the acquired knowledge to prioritize the best interests, educational stability, and overall well-being of the mock foster care case. We will shine a spotlight on the remarkable collaborative efforts taking place in Washington state, where schools, child welfare agencies and community-based organizations are coming together to align policies, improve practices and provide support for these students. Participants will gain practical strategies to implement collaborative practices in their educational community.

In-person Workshop
classroom leaders
, neglected