Math x Movement = Opportunity

Thursday February 8, 2024
12:15 - 1:15 PM
Oregon Ballroom 203

Movement influences - or multiplies - a growing child’s abilities to think, problem-solve, and regulate emotions. By adding movement to your curriculum, you can create opportunities for all of your students! In this presentation, you will learn practical, play-based learning, and kinesthetic strategies for making math fun, boosting fluency, building number sense, and tackling unfinished learning. I will share about a two-week movement program at a Florida Title I school that transformed a classroom of low-performing 3rd-grade students with behavior issues into engaged, focused students who asked to do “more math.” Learn how students went from bullying to collaboration and from minimal effort to hard work. Learn how math confidence led to self-confidence, and self-confidence led to a multitude of positive attributes including kindness, collaboration, creativity, believing in oneself, pride in their work, willingness to take risks, and an overall positive classroom culture.


Meet the Author
Thursday, February 8 from 1:30pm - 2:00pm Pacific 
Suzy Koontz will be greeting in-person attendees at the "Meet the Author" counter in the Portland Ballroom lobby on Level 2.

Suzy Koontz

Suzy Koontz, Founder, and CEO of Learn Thru Movement, is an actuary, an educational consultant, a math teacher, and the creator of Math & Movement, Movement & Literacy, and over 200 kinesthetic teaching tools. As the author of over 20 books, Suzy’s passion is helping students recognize their ability to learn and lead healthier lives while achieving academic success. Suzy’s mission is for ALL students to be on grade level in math and reading. As a national presenter for schools, conferences, and PTA/O, Suzy shares how movement-based learning can assist in accomplishing this goal. Suzy’s work has been featured in television, radio, and print. Suzy and her team have worked with schools in 46 states across the country. They have implemented movement-based learning programs in some of the largest school districts across the country including San Francisco Unified School District, New York City School District, Rochester City School District, Katy Independent School District, and more. Suzy is the vice president and one of the founding board members of the National Math Foundation (NMF), a 501(c)3 whose mission is to foster exercise, healthy eating, and learning through movement as a means to develop a community of math literate members. The NMF is collaborating with organizations across the country in math and literacy-focused research projects with the goal of better understanding the efficacy of movement and physical activity on developing math and reading fluency. Suzy is the co-author of an upcoming ASCD book that will be published in 2024. The book will share the research behind movement-based learning and provide numerous game-like activities.

In-Person Promo Lecture
classroom leaders
, learning loss/delay