Opening Keynote: Changing the Trajectory of Academically Vulnerable Learners: What Works

Wednesday February 7, 2024
9:00 - 10:30 AM
Portland Ballroom

It’s a long journey from K-12, with countless opportunities to miss something or fall behind. But these points along the way also present opportunities to change the academic trajectory of students who have gotten off track. And changing this trajectory is urgent. Students who continue to lag behind may withdraw from tasks completely – afraid to fail again. Older students may sink into an educational malaise and exhibit a decline in motivation.

It doesn’t have to be this way. This session offers a different instructional and motivational path and perhaps even a mindset shift. What our students who have fallen behind need is a fresh start with high value, intriguing tasks… with scaffolding just in time.

Because it’s tough to teach a child who has given up hope. Every student wants to be successful…this session will spark that success.


Meet the Author
Wednesday, February 7 from 10:30am - 11:00am Pacific
Suzy Pepper Rollins will be greeting in-person attendees at the "Meet the Author" counter in the Portland Ballroom lobby on Level 2.

In-person Lecture
all audiences
diversity, equity, inclusion, secondary education, elementary education, early childhood education, learning loss/delay, data decision, differentiated instruction, EL, learning loss/delay, math, professional learning, success stories, sped, school improvement