The Ninety Percent Reading Goal

Wednesday February 7, 2024
1:30 - 3:00 PM

Meet the leaders from Hayward Community School District, a rural school in northern Wisconsin, as they reveal their three-year journey to get 90% of their students reading at or above grade level. In this session, Hayward leaders will share the evidence-based strategies and systems they use to assess, monitor, and support reading instructional practices for both individual students and groups. These systems include adult accountability and systems accountability that has led to 90% of our students in grades K-5 reading at or above grade level. Participants will leave with a start on their own Literacy Action Plan designed to create adult accountabilities, system accountabilities, and student results in their own schools and districts! Hayward will share their story as well as resources to make the 90% reading goal attainable to any school in the nation.

In-person Workshop
classroom leaders
systems of support