Supporting Expansion and Equitable Access to Dual Language Immersion: Lessons from States
There are numerous documented benefits for English learners who are multilingual and biliterate, leading many states to focus on expanding their multilingual or dual language immersion (DLI) programs. However, such expansions come with challenges including shortages of bilingual educators, identifying appropriate curricula and assessments, and ensuring equitable access for English Learner students. With a focus on improvement, presenters will share findings and best practices for those aiming to enhance and expand access to DLI programs in their context. A leader from the Region 15 Comprehensive Center at WestEd will share findings from a research scan focused on what we know about DLI implementation and how well this research reflects the national context. State leaders from Massachusetts, New York, and Utah will share lessons learned from their state’s efforts to expand access to DLI programs, including examples of challenges and successes at local educational agencies and schools.