Building Educator Assessment Literacy to Inform and Improve Teaching and Learning

Friday February 24, 2017
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Promenade Ballroom BC

PRESENTER CHANGE: College and career readiness standards represent a shift in what students are expected to know and be able to do to be globally competitive. Performance assessment is a key tool in measuring these competencies. Because performance assessment yields insights into students’ knowledge and skills that cannot be elicited with multiple-choice questions, it can support improved teaching and learning, but this opportunity is lost when teachers do not understand the test’s design or the demands it places on both students and teachers. The Building Educator Assessment Literacy (BEAL) project was designed to ensure that educators can make the most of summative performance tasks. BEAL participants learn from real tasks, scoring and discussing actual student responses, in order to make connections between performance assessment and their own teaching. Session participants will learn about the BEAL model and consider the impact of this approach on teaching, learning, and policy decisions.

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assessment, professional development