Building Strong Family-School Partnerships: Engaging Families with a Dynamic, Proven Model

Thursday February 23, 2017
9:30 - 10:15 AM
Exhibit Stage 102

This session explores the Key Roles of parents and staff engaged in successful Family-School Partnerships. Participants will gain hands-on experience with proven strategies from districts with positive, effective parent leaders. Interact with research-based best practices of 120,000+ Title I parents who are part of the solution for raising student achievement. Learn how to build systemic, integrated, sustainable Family-School Partnerships. Incorporate family engagement practices from the Parenting Partners process that are manageable, transferable, and sustainable, including: presenters in teams of parents and staff, multiplying parent leaders, capacity-building curriculum in English and Spanish, sustainable multi-year content and the DOE’s Dual Capacity-Building framework. Hear success stories from Title I districts. Entertaining, interactive, and practical, this session delivers fun, easy to implement immediate resources for boosting student achievement through parent engagement.

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family engagement, leaders, title I success stories