Every Picture Tells Their Story

Thursday February 23, 2017
2:30 - 3:15 PM
Exhibit Stage 102

WRiTE BRAiN BOOKS are richly illustrated, wordless picture books for any author’s original story. Through an in-depth, narrative, and creative writing program for all grade levels, STUDENTS BECOME PUBLISHED AUTHORS of their own children’s books. Our program is research-based, and is being implemented by educators and experienced by students nationwide. With our innovative writing curricula and materials, students not only become published authors, but they also receive perfect-bound, printed copies of their group and independently-authored children’s books to prove it. WRiTE BRAiN’s groundbreaking, standards-aligned curricula inspires teachers to teach and students to write! Young writers are developing vitally important 21st Century skills. Meeting the needs of every type of learner, our layered lesson plans help students develop their COMPREHENSION and CREATIVITY, while evolving necessary skills such as CRITICAL THINKING, COMMUNICATION, and COLLABORATION. JOIN US!

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reading & writing, elementary, secondary