Fathers and Father Figures Night! Noche De Empoderamiento! Get Parents Involved Tenfold!
Parent involvement is a formidable protective factor against academic problems, so Cheyenne knew it was vital to get parents involved in order to reach its goal of earning the highest graduation rate in school history. Teacher leaders at Cheyenne High School launched Fathers and Father Figures meetings and monthly Noches De Empoderamiento. Whole families participated in these nights, and attendance in parent meetings skyrocketed from two people to seventy! Cheyenne High School addressed barriers to parental involvement and provided families with tools they could use to help their students be academically and psychosocially successful. Session participants will learn how Cheyenne High School increased attendance to parent meetings, and how to create family night culture that addresses risk factors that undermine students’ academic success, and how other functions in the building got parents involved in students’ school lives.