Follow the “Comprehensive Needs Assessment Road” to “Academic Success”

Wednesday February 22, 2017
1:00 - 2:30 PM
Room 202

Schools and districts work diligently to develop and implement programs that yield positive and improving student academic results. Too often, however, things go awry and the reason is not clear. Proper school improvement planning and evaluation can mark the difference between "Success is ours!" and "No! What happened?" A thread in ESSA is the need for plans to be developed "based upon Comprehensive Needs Assessment" (CNA) findings. Share in the story of a local school district that successfully used the state "CNA Process Rubric" to develop strong building and district improvement plans. Feel the pains and joys they experienced as they journeyed down the CNA process road arriving at solid plans to guide their education program. Attendees will participate in mock planning sessions featuring tips to help school improvement teams find success in their school improvement process and will receive a flash drive with valuable district resources used for ease of getting started.

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school improvement, effective program development