It's All About the Base: Tier 1 Instruction Best Practices

Wednesday February 22, 2017
12:15 - 1:00 PM
Exhibit Stage 102

The biggest impact on achievement occurs when we focus on the base of the pyramid. This session will provide direct instruction on quality Tier 1 strategies that model engagement, questioning, formative assessment and differentiation. Tired of kids sitting back while you do all the work? We're about to flip that switch and provide strategies you can use tomorrow. This is a practical session for K-12 educators that will have you actively participating in the learning process, just like we do every day in our classrooms. This is not a sit-and-get model so come with a growth mindset and be ready to learn, apply and leave with a handful of research based best practices and KleenSlate tools that will immediately boost the engagement level in any classroom. Everyone will keep the customizable whiteboard used in the session. If you want your students to have fun while they're learning, feed you formative assessment data, and be fully engaged, join us for this focus on Tier 1 instruction.

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multiple tiered system of support, at-risk, differentiated