Breaking the Mold: The New and Improved Title I High School

Saturday January 30, 2016
2:00 - 3:00 PM
Room 362

Attendees will learn how a large high-poverty high school implemented the following programs to transform the high school experience for all stakeholders while improving academic outcomes for students: 1-to-1 instruction with iPad technology, Personalized Learning iObservation based on Marzanno's 41 key elements of instruction, an iPad take home model for all students, a tiered student support system, a Start-On-Time program, and an expansion of Fine Arts. R.B. Stall High School increased student engagement through implementation of a 1-to-1 iPad initiative and simultaneously re-cultured the school through a focus on building relationships as outlined in the Capturing Kids' Hearts program.




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title i success stories, effective leaders, multiple tiered system of support, technology