Capacity Building - Best Practices in Action

Friday January 29, 2016
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room 370

Take a look at best practices in action in Texas schools! Attend this session to learn about the Texas Title I Capacity Building Initiative, funded by Texas Education Agency and produced by Region 10 Education Service Center. The project features a website that connects exemplary research, tools, and videos to the Critical Success Factor framework. It includes profiles submitted by Texas Reward Schools highlighting their successes, as well as videos of best practices in action from selected schools around the state. This session will be presented from three perspectives: overview and purpose from the state Title I coordinator; review of development and website resources from the project manager; and best practices in action from a featured Title I campus principal. Each of these professionals will add a different layer of meaning to enhance the presentation for a varied audience.

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title i success stories, school improvement