Closing the "Systems Gap" in Michigan

Friday January 29, 2016
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Room 360

As the educational landscape in Michigan evolves, there is one constant: the need to improve outcomes for all students. With increasing accountability and diminishing resources, there is a critical need to leverage evidence-based practices in a cohesive and coordinated manner to increase capacity at all levels of the education system and to build systems that respond to the needs of districts. Our current model of education has yielded gaps in equity, achievement, and, ultimately, the system. To “mind the gap,” we must think differently. In order for students to be successful, they need access to effective instructional practices. In order for educators to provide effective instructional practices, they need to be supported by effective systems. This session will discuss how the Michigan Dept. of Ed. (MDE) is capitalizing on the State Systemic Improvement Plan, a mandate by the U.S. Dept. of Ed., to reorient MDE toward supporting local capacity to improve outcomes for all students.

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program collaboration & coordination, effective program development, multiple tiered system of support