Constructing an Innovative School-Parent Compact

Saturday January 30, 2016
2:00 - 3:00 PM
Room 361

The law says that Title I, Part A schools MUST have a school-parent compact that outlines how the school will build and develop a partnership with its families to help students achieve the state’s high standards. Attendees will learn how to move the compact from a legal task to a dynamic, innovative tool. This session will provide the blueprints and tools to construct, implement, and evaluate quality Title I School-Parent Compacts. The campus improvement plans provide the academic focus of the school; the compact should be a parent-friendly reflection of the school's goals. Participants will learn strategies to align the compact to school data, identified needs, and the goals of the campus improvement plan to make the compact a powerful tool for involving all stakeholders as partners. This training will give participants an outline that will result in celebrating the success of campuses in writing a valuable and forward-thinking school-parent compact. Extensive handouts will be provided.

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family engagement, assessment, using data