Supporting Local Equity Planning to Achieve Equitable Access to Excellent Educators

Saturday January 30, 2016
1:00 - 2:00 PM
General Assembly Theater C

In 2015, each State developed a State Plan to Ensure Equitable Access to Excellent Educators that identified gaps in students’ access to excellent educators across each State and outlined strategies the State will use to ensure that all students have access to excellent teachers and leaders.  However, States cannot act alone and will require committed partnership and engagement of local communities and school districts to ensure equitable access across all their schools.  During this session, participants will learn about emerging strategies for States to partner with LEAs to support equity plan development at the local level from the Equitable Access Support Network State work group on “Supporting Local Equity Planning” and will explore ways to use new tools from the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders to support LEA implementation of equity strategies, including strategic planning guidance, templates for LEA equity planning, and a research and best practices resource bank.

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program collaboration & coordination, effective program development, effective leaders