Ensuring Effective Interventions for All Students

Saturday January 30, 2016
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room 362

The Rutherford County School system remains committed to ensuring all students are provided with timely, direct, and assessment-driven interventions to improve student success. In this session we will detail our systematic approach of blending the workings of the PLC with an effective RTI framework. We will focus our time on laying out the essential components of an effective plan and clarify the roles and responsibilities of all faculty members to ensure a successful program that is clear to all stakeholders. This plan to ensure all students receive effective intervention was implemented in ten Title I funded schools and led to these schools outperforming the non-Title 1 schools in the same district in gap closures by 39 percentage points.

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multiple tiered system of support, at-risk populations, effective program development