Federal Monitoring of English Learners: Results vs. Compliance
The U.S. Department of Education monitors states for compliance with the federal laws and regulations related to the grants they administer. Compliance with the requirements of grants, however, does not guarantee that the programs funded with those grants will produce positive results. What is monitored, while not guaranteeing success, is often a prerequisite for success. Not having these things in place would more likely guarantee the grantee is unsuccessful. This presentation looks at monitoring findings and recommendations for English Learners (ELs) over five years of USED monitoring reports for four programs: Title I, Title III, Title I 1003(g) School Improvement Grants (SIG), and ESEA Flexibility. It presents the most common EL monitoring findings and recommendations and examines whether the items monitored are prerequisites for successful EL programs. Also examined are areas of concentration of EL findings as well as holes in USED’s monitoring related to ELs.
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