Home is Where the Heart is - Rethinking Parent Engagement SPONSORED by ReadyRosie

Friday January 29, 2016
2:00 - 2:30 PM
Exhibit Hall Stage

Many school districts and communities are realizing that they can impact third grade literacy and kindergarten readiness by utilizing a free and very under-utilized resource – PARENTS!  How are school districts and communities like Fort Worth, San Antonio, Pittsburgh, Tampa and others doing it?  They are equipping and inspiring families using text messaging, email and video modeling.  In this presentation, Emily Roden, Co-Founder of ReadyRosie and BringingUP, will share how we have to move beyond parent engagement to parent empowerment.  She will also share some free resources and some data results on how these strategies can impact student outcomes.

common core standards, at-risk populations, differentiated instruction, early childhood education, elementary education, english learners, family engagement, mathematics, school improvement, title i success stories