Implementing Individualized Plans of Instruction for Struggling English Language Learners

Friday January 29, 2016
10:30 - 11:30 AM
Room 362

Understanding the need to address the instruction of our long-term English language learners (ELLs), our district has created the Individual English Language Learner Plan (IELLP). The IELLP is a written plan that specifies what happens instructionally for struggling ELLs. The use of the IELLP necessitates a commitment on the part of administration and teachers of the ELL. The communication process is an integral part in the planning, the reviewing, and the revising of the IELLP. The document is completed in consultation among classroom teacher(s), lead teacher/curriculum specialist, and site administrator. This session deals with the identification of students, continuous consultation among key members, and desired outcomes regarding the IELLP.

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Matthew Meyers

Dr. Matthew E. Meyers is the Director of Bilingual Education, ESL, Migrant, and Title III-A programs for Valley View Independent School District in south Texas. He promotes a teaching staff that is highly qualified and able to help all students, especially those most in need, achieve challenging academic standards. Meyers has more than 25 years of experience in the field of education. He has had the privilege of teaching children of diverse backgrounds in public and private schools, preservice and in-service educators at the university level, and adults learning English as a second language. As a teacher, Meyers has been recognized for many awards, including “Teacher of the Year” and “Most Devoted Teacher,” and recognition for “Por el amor de la lectura.” As an administrator, he has been recognized for his work in developing strong teaching staffs and ensuring that best teaching practices are implemented in the classroom. Meyers also works as a consultant in the areas of designing appropriate curriculum for second language learners, implementing effective strategies for ELLs, connecting content and language for ELLs, creating individual plans of instruction for struggling learners, and differentiating instruction for diverse student populations. Through the years, he has presented at several national conferences, including the National Association for Bilingual Education Conference; the Center for Research, Evaluation, and Advancement of Teacher Education Conference; and the Alliance for Multilingual Multicultural Education Conference. He also has presented internationally at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Conference. Having completed his undergraduate degree in international relations and Spanish at the University of Wisconsin, Meyers received a master of arts in teaching from Beloit College and a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Texas-Pan American.

at-risk populations, differentiated instruction