Key Parent Roles: Family-School Partnerships for Student Success

Saturday January 30, 2016
12:30 - 1:30 PM
Room 361

What are the key roles that parents play in their child's academic achievement? What are the research-based best practices of effective family engagement? Interact with proven strategies of districts with positive, effective parent leaders engaged in multiple key roles for student success. Hear stories of 120,000+ Title I parents who are part of the solution for raising student achievement. Learn how to build systemic, integrated, sustainable family-school partnerships! Patty Bunker, author/ national trainer, will demonstrate dynamic capacity-building practices that are manageable and transferable. Practices include: presenters in teams of parents and staff, multiplying parent leaders, and the Department of Education's Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships. Entertaining and interactive, this session will deliver key strategies with fun, easy-to-present parent leadership skills and practical ideas for boosting student achievement through parent engagement.

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family engagement, effective leaders, title i success stories