KEYNOTE: Creating a School Culture that Nurtures a Productive Learning Environment for All Students

Saturday January 30, 2016
7:45 - 8:45 AM
Grand Ballroom

After 22 years of serving public school students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, Dr. Luis F. Cruz has confirmed without a doubt that poor students, English Learners, and students of all backgrounds are highly capable. Dr. Cruz shares his personal account of how a high school in Los Angeles County, California serving underprivilieged students ensured all students learn. They established a 92% graduation rate by collectively creating a mission focused on optimal learning for all students. Rediscover the fact that as educational leaders we are not just in the business of ensuring students learn how to read and write, but also in the business of saving lives. Dr. Cruz reminds us all that leadership is not the position we hold but rather the relationships we build and nourish with others to accelerate learning for all students through the establishment of a healthy school culture.

at-risk populations, effective leaders, english learners