Make the Shift: Multi Tiered System of Support SPONSORED by American Reading Company

Friday January 29, 2016
12:00 - 12:30 PM
Exhibit Hall Stage

Participants will have the opportunity to explore a systematic approach to developing and implementing a Muliti Tiered System of Support. This system will help participants rethink the way in which they organize Tier I instruction and ensure that, by design, it will reduce the number of students in need of Tier 2 and 3 instruction. The described MTSS system will ensure that a student's zipcode is NOT a predictor of his or her academic achievement. Instead, a combination of rigorous grade level instruction, differentiation, and formative assessment will combine in this framework to ensure that a student receives an individualized approach to literacy that will accelerate the closure of the Achievement Gap and prepare all students for new frontiers.

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multiple tiered system of support, differentiated instruction, using data