The Middle School Quality Initiative: A Comprehensive Approach to Improving YA Literacy

Thursday January 28, 2016
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Room 361

Strong literacy skills are a prerequisite to high school and college success, yet 70% of middle school students nationwide scored below proficient in reading achievement according to the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Reading test. Even more alarming, 25% of 8th graders and only 16% of students on free and reduced lunch nationwide score above basic on the same assessment. NYC serves over 1.1 million students and employs over 80,000 teachers; we consider it our civic duty to remedy the literacy crisis we find ourselves in. The Middle School Quality Initiative establishes models of schools serving our typical students that are making dramatic gains in increasing the number of children completing 8th grade reading on or above grade level. We leverage the ReadingNext report and define a comprehensive approach to dramatically shift literacy outcomes. We invite you to learn alongside us around what works, areas of struggle, and steps for moving forward.

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school improvement, at-risk populations, reading & writing