The Vocab Lab: Improve Students' Academic Vocabulary with Daily Minilessons

Thursday January 28, 2016
2:15 - 3:15 PM
Room 351

The Vocab Lab is a ten-minute daily minilesson intended to provide students with direct instruction that enhances and supports content-area vocabulary instruction. Teachers can use the minilessons as a part of an established literacy block or at any other time of day. A school could also undertake the minilessons in a schoolwide literacy effort. Lessons are grouped into clusters based on similarities or themes; for example, there is one series of lessons on powerful prefixes, a lesson on words that can replace “said,” and another series of lessons on words about literary genres. Each minilesson uses one or more effective instructional strategies as cited by Robert Marzano and his colleagues in the Classroom Instruction That Works materials.

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common core standards, reading & writing, school improvement