Federal Update: What to Expect from Congress in 2024

Available Wednesday, November 29th

This webinar is provided FREE of charge, but requires registration.

Now that the House has elected a new speaker, what can we expect from the rest of the Congressional session?  This pre-recorded webinar will unpack recent shifts in Congressional leadership, what that means for appropriations, and the outlook for substantive education policy legislation from now until the new election season.


Hosted by Julia Martin, The Bruman Group

This pre-recorded webinar is available Wednesday, November 29th .


National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators (NAESPA) & the ESEA Network

NAESPA is a membership organization of state directors and state-level staff working in the federal education programs which are authorized by the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA). NAESPA’s mission is “building the capacity of education professionals to provide children served by ESEA programs with a high quality education.”

ESEA Network is a project of NAESPA. It is the embodiment of the National ESEA Conference, Video OnDemand service, professional development opportunities, and resources--as well as the people brought together by these connections on .