Introducing MiFamily: Michigan’s Prenatal Through Post-Secondary Family Engagement
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
This live webinar recording is housed below. Thank you for joining us!
Shared Resources:
Michigan Family Partnerships Site
MDE Literacy and Family Engagement Resources
Dr. Steve Constantino - Family Engagement
Michigan’s prenatal through postsecondary family engagement framework released in 2020 provided a launching point for equitable family engagement practices and supports. Attendees will be introduced to MiFamily, gain understanding of the MiFamily Engagement Centers, and leave with equitable family engagement practices that support improved outcomes for children and families.

National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators (NAESPA) & the ESEA Network
NAESPA is a membership organization of state directors and state-level staff working in the federal education programs which are authorized by the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA). NAESPA’s mission is “building the capacity of education professionals to provide children served by ESEA programs with a high quality education.”
ESEA Network is a project of NAESPA. It is the embodiment of the National ESEA Conference, Video OnDemand service, professional development opportunities, and resources--as well as the people brought together by these connections on www.eseanetwork.org.

MiLEAP prioritizes education from preschool through postsecondary with a focus on preparing children for kindergarten and helping more people earn a skill certificate or degree to help them get a good paying job.
To accomplish this goal, MiLEAP will mobilize all our resources, both inside and outside the classroom, collaborate with leaders at the local, regional, and state level, and develop a plan that will put every Michigander on a path to prosperity.