The Success Loop
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Please note that any questions you have for Suzy will be passed to her after the webinar and answered here on this page.
Interested in learning more about the NAESPA LEA Affliliate Program mentioned during the webinar? Visit www.eseanetwork.org/LEA
Every student wants to be successful, even those with their heads propped on their elbows in feigned disinterest. Motivation is complex, especially in schools. Long hours in hard desks with a barrage of content that may seem irrelevant - It is not easy for students to maintain engagement.
What makes one student jump in readily on a task and another resist it altogether? This webinar will explore ways to spark motivation and active learning in ALL students. In addition, these practices connect to program and resource decisions made on behalf of learners.
By the end of this short - but deep - dive into motivation, participants will have concrete strategies to create success in ALL learners…even those who dreaded getting on the bus this morning. Success is somewhat addictive and contagious. There is a reason the same students keep raising their hands – they are in the success loop. The motivational practices uncovered in our webinar will pull ALL students into the success loop – and keep them there.
Suzy Pepper Rollins is a passionate educator with a mission of creating academic success for ALL learners.
She is the author of Teaching in the Fast Lane, Learning in the Fast Lane, and Teaching Vulnerable Learners. Her BRAND-NEW workbook, The Opening Minutes, is packed with strategies just for those precious opening minutes, which is when students learn the most. The Promise of Acceleration, released in 2023, creates a positive path for students who have gotten behind.
Suzy consults and provides PD across the nation. Prior to consulting, Suzy coordinated 6-12 remedial programs for a large Atlanta area district.
Suzy is the founder of Math in the Fast Lane, a hands-on instructional resource. She holds an M.A. in School Business Administration from Kean University.
She can be reached via her sites below or on X (@myedexpert)

National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators (NAESPA) & the ESEA Network
NAESPA is a membership organization of state directors and state-level staff working in the federal education programs which are authorized by the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA). NAESPA’s mission is “building the capacity of education professionals to provide children served by ESEA programs with a high quality education.”
ESEA Network is a project of NAESPA. It is the embodiment of the National ESEA Conference, Video OnDemand service, professional development opportunities, and resources--as well as the people brought together by these connections on www.eseanetwork.org.