Dear Colleagues,
In celebration of Women’s History Month, the First Lady’s Office and the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Amer...
Dear Colleagues,
Please review below and attached three important announcements: one from ED (about next week’s Best Practices Clearinghouse webinar), one from the CDC (a communications update from the School Staff Vaccination Program),...
Lessons from the Field: Safely Reopening and Sustaining In-Person Instruction
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET
Attention: State and District Leaders, Faculty, Staff, Educators, Parents and ...
MARCH 18, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
On January 21, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order (E.O.) 14000, “Supporting the Reopening and Continuing Operation of Schools and Early Childhood Education Providers.” This E.O. directs t...
March 9, 2021
Dear Education Partners,
On March 2, 2021, President Biden challenged all states, territories, and the District of Columbia to ensure every pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade (pre-K through 12) educator and school sta...
March 8, 2021
Dear colleagues,
Please see the information below that was shared with chief state school officers earlier this morning.
Patrick Rooney, Director
School Support and Accountability
From: Honeysett, Ada...
from: Honeysett, Adam <Adam.Honeysett@ed.gov>
date: Mar 2, 2921, 3:01 PM
subject: Letter from Education Secretary Miguel Cardona: Working Together for Students
To our Nation’s Educators and Education Stakeholders:
Thank you for givi...
OSEP UpdateA Newsletter for OSEP Grantees and Interested StakeholdersMarch 2021Forwarded this email? Click here to subscribe. |
In This Issue: |
As part of the effort to reopen schools – a stated priority for President Biden’s first 100 days in office – various federal agencies have been tasked with issuing guidance outlining what would be considered safety standards for reopening. ...