Topic: Policy
National Title I Association Government Relations Consultant, Julia Martin of the law firm Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC, provides ongoing insights into Title I policy issues.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published the 2024 Compliance Supplement this week – the tool that auditors are required to use wh...

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Dear Colleague,


On behalf of U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, thank you for your continued efforts to effectively and urgentl...

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The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has not yet published final rules for education programs and activities and athletic opportunities und...
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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved a declaratory rule on Thursday that makes final a proposal to expand the E-Rate program...
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Please see the attached memo regarding the requirements for waiver requests of the 1.0% cap on alternate assessments for the 2023-2024 schoo...

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Earlier this week the U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari—a writ which would allow review of a case—to a charter school appealing a lower c...
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