int(15) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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89 : 04
Circles of Reflection: Building Collaboration Between States, Tribes, Districts

The National Comprehensive Center’s Native Education Collaborative (NEC) developed the Circles of Reflection, a framework to engage state education agencies (SEAs), tribes, and local education agencies (LEAs) in rich, reflective discussions and strategic planning to provide high quality, motivating educational experiences that improve Native students’ academic attainment. Presenters will describe the Circles of Reflection process and the other resources that the NEC has created to help build the capacity of SEAs to collaborate with tribes and LEAs. Presenters will also share results from the evaluation of the implementation of the pilot of Circles of Reflection in four states. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in discussions about the process and how it may be applicable in their particular context.

This talk was presented at:
2023 National ESEA Conference
February 2023 in Indianapolis, IN
For more information:
Amy Bitterman

Ms. Bitterman has been part of the Native Education Collaborative since the National Comprehensive Center received funding from the U.S. Department of Education for it in 2019. She has been extensively involved in all steps of the project, from interviewing the expert panel and identifying the needs to developing the resources and providing technical assistance to help build the capacity of states to collaborate with districts and tribes.

Mandy Smoker Broaddus

Ms. Smoker Broaddus has ten years of experience as director of Indian Education for the state of Montana, four years as Native Education practice expert at EDNW, and is a former teacher/principal/tribal college instructor.
