Are you looking for ways to boost parent and family engagement in your school or district? In this session, presenters will discuss the requirements for parent and family engagement under Title I, Part A and share ways that schools in Charleston County School District are not only meeting those requirements but are also moving beyond compliance to authentically engage parents and families as full partners. Attendees will leave with the “Parent and Family Engagement: School Requirements at a Glance” resource document, as well as several fresh ideas to boost parent and family engagement.

Six years as the Title l Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator with the Charleston County School District. Ten years as an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Teacher. Twenty years of working with families in many capacities including serving on the Title I Parent Advisory Council, School Improvement Council, and South Carolina PTA.
Serving as the South Carolina State Department of Education's Title I Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator since 2020.