This presentation will highlight the untapped potential of core teachers in effectively supporting English learners (ELs) within the mainstream classroom. The presentation will showcase how core teachers can embrace a collaborative role for EL students to positively impact student success. This session will seek to raise awareness among district leaders, school administrators, educators, and stakeholders about the benefits and importance of incorporating engaging strategies and differentiated techniques into the teaching practices of core subject teachers. It will empower core teachers by providing them with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to effectively support English learners in their classrooms. Ultimately, this session will emphasize the idea that every teacher has the potential to be an EL educator and contribute to the academic and linguistic growth of English learners.

Kara Friedel is the ESL Secondary Support Specialist in the Office of English as a Second Language for Chesterfield County Public Schools in Chesterfield, Virginia. She has taught ESL in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms for over 10 years. Mrs. Friedel is the ESL Professional Development Specialist and the county SIOP trainer. She proudly serves on the VATESOL (Virginia Affiliate of TESOL International) Board as the Membership Chair. She is a member of VESA (Virginia ESL Supervisors Association) and is a member of WELV (Women Education Leaders in Virginia). She received her undergraduate degree from Virginia Tech and her Master’s and Administration and Supervision degree from the University of Virginia.
Julia West, a recipient of the 2022 REB Award for Teaching Excellence, has over 14 years of educational experience. She is a dual-endorsed math and English as a Second Language Teacher at the secondary level. As a content teacher, Julia acts as a fierce advocate for English learners. She currently serves as the ESL Department Chair and has represented the math department in the same capacity. Julia has been an integral part of developing the county math curriculum with a focus on resources to support English learners in an effort to increase their equitable access to academic content. During her career, she has served as a Mathematics Department Chair, Testing Coordinator, and English as a Second Language Department Chair on her school leadership team.