Would you like to achieve school improvement by maximizing your federal allocations without just checking boxes for compliance? We will look at how to move from compliance to successful implementation of your improvement goals with innovative and accountable practices. Don’t miss ESSA Made Me Do It! where we will provide participants with practical strategies, approaches, and tools to support moving from compliance to effective implementation of improvement practices.

Expertise has been gained from educational experiences as a practitioner and state program administrator. Her work includes coordinated efforts with district/school leaders to build relationships, from a state level, ensuring appropriate support with Title I Part A funds.
The presenter has extensive background in research, evaluation, and strategic planning dating back to 2008 at the university-level and school-based experience since 1996. State-level Federal Programs work includes oversight for grants administration, technical assistance and compliance monitoring.
Shawna Andrews is a Program Administrator for Office of Federal Programs at the NC Department of Public Instruction. Her daily work is focused on providing professional development, technical assistance, and support for Federal Program Directors across the state of North Carolina to move schools from compliance to effective implementation of improvement strategies.
Expertise has been gained from educational experiences as a practitioner and state program administrator. Her work includes coaching public-school leaders on strategies to bolster school and district improvement. Her passion is coaching aspiring leaders to become change agents for collective impact.