Tate Toedman
Tate Toedman serves as an Assistant Director on the Special Education and Title Services team, He oversees multiple ESEA programs and serves on cross team monitoring processes. Title I, Part A, Title II, Title IV, Part A, Title V, and Title VIII of ESEA are a large part of his responsibility when it comes to programming. He serves as a lead for EANS and ESSER relief programs. He also serves on our monitoring teams that monitor across programs for special education, and ESEA monitoring of programs. He currently serves as the state coordinator for Title II programs and as the Private School Ombudsman for the state and has since 2015. He has previously served as the State Coordinator for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth. He has been an Assistant Director since July 2017 and been with the Kansas State Department of Education since 2006. He currently serves as co-chairperson of the NAESPA Government Relations committee and has for over two years and currently serves as the NAESPA Region 4 lead.