Are You Data Informed or Data Driven? Systems-Thinking Approaches for Student Success

Friday February 9, 2024
1:30 - 3:00 PM
Virtual Workshop 3

Is your school or district simply data-informed, feverishly data-driven or somewhere in between? You do not want to miss Are You Data Informed or Data-Driven? Systems-Thinking Approaches for Student Success, as participants in this workshop will explore effective data systems and processes employed in schools across the state of North Carolina to facilitate comprehensive strategic planning efforts and effective programs to provide all children significant opportunities to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps as defined in ESEA. In addition, state leaders in North Carolina will highlight systems of support with public school units to create opportunities for schools to leverage federal funding to redefine implementation, evaluative processes, and building sustainable practices for the future.

Virtual Workshop
building leaders
, asset based needs