Equity and Improved Student Learning Outcomes for All

Wednesday February 7, 2024
10:45 - 11:45 AM
Oregon Ballroom 203

For all the talk about the importance of more equitable learning outcomes in our schools, we continue to use a curriculum-driven one-size-fits-all education system that produces far too many non-proficient learners. In the age of information and innovation, poor learning outcomes affect kids for life, and disproportionately impact poor and minority students. This is a fixable problem, but only if we take an honest look at why our existing systems continue to produce lousy learning outcomes and dis-equity. Four crucial reforms will be highlighted in this presentation: We can replace the one-size-fits-all curriculum model for personalized competency based learning. We can allocate resources based on student need. We can develop and offer high quality pre-K experiences. And we can strengthen family support services to families in need. In this presentation, participants will be challenged to create a model for learning systems that will create better learning outcomes for all.


Meet the Author
Wednesday, February 7 from 12:15pm - 12:45pm Pacific
Bob Sornson will be greeting in-person attendees at the "Meet the Author" counter in the Portland Ballroom lobby on Level 2.

In-person Lecture
classroom leaders
, diversity, equity, inclusion